third level events

All team members must volunteer in one of these events or a pre-approved community service event.  This encourages team members to volunteer where they think they are most needed and allows team members to develop their own outreach events.   These events also focus on helping our local communities and helping to introduce the team to community members.

Rhode Island Air National Guard STEAM Event

Through this event we were able to present our team to other organizations, and connect with many different people. At this event we were also able to see a bunch of interesting Air force activities firsthand.

Ponaganset Open House

Ponaganset Highschool hosted their annual open house and The Gongoliers were invited to inform the upcoming 9th graders about our very own FRC team and FIRST in general. While doing this we also had an amazing chance to show students, parents, and teachers our robot, Litae, from the 2024 FRC season. The purpose of this event is to inform the community about FIRST and our FRC team at Ponaganset Highschool