2024 Challenge- Crescendo
The game involves two alliances of three teams each who compete to hit as many notes as possible. Robots receive the notes from human players at the source, and at the beginning they are already placed down for them. Then the robots proceed to shoot and place the notes in the speaker or amp. In the last twenty seconds robots proceed to attach themselves to a chain or get under the stage in endgame.
2023 Challenge- Charged Up
The game involves two alliances of three teams each who compete to bring energy to their community. Robots retrieve cones and cubes from substations, score them on the grid, and balance themselves on the charge station.
2022 Challenge- Rapid React
The game involves two alliances of three teams centered around a hub in which teams can shoot cargo into a high or low goal. During the final thirty seconds of the match teams ascend on the four rungs in the alliance hangar, completing the traversal if they reach the highest rung.
2020 Challenge- Infinite Recharge
The game involves two alliances of three teams each centered around a futuristic city theme competing to preform various tasks, including shooting foam balls, known as power cells, into high and low goals to activate a shield generator, manipulating a control panel to activate the shield and returning to the shield generator to park or climb at the end of the match.
2019 Challenge - Deep Space
The game involves two alliances of three teams each competing to place hatch covers and rubber balls or “cargo” on rockets and cargo ships before returning to their platform to climb at the end of the match.
2018 Challenge - First Power Up
Power Up involves two alliances each having three teams, each team controlling their robot to performing specific tasks on field to score points. Teams are required to place milk crates, or "power cubes", on large balancing scales to tip the scale and gain ownership. Alliances can also trade power cubes for power ups, giving them a temporary advantage in a match. At the end of the match, robots can climb the tower attached to the center balancing scale using a rung attached to the tower, giving them additional points.
2017 Challenge - Steamworks
Alliances made up of three robots each compete in a steampunk-themed competition to prepare their airship for flight. Alliances earn points by shooting "fuel" up into boilers and delivering gears to the airship. Each alliance has one airship which gains pressure from the fuel pumped into the boiler and the gears sent to the airship. In the endgame, robots scale the airship with ropes to prepare for "liftoff".
2016 Challenge - Stronghold
Stronghold is a medieval castle siege game, in which Alliances composed of three robots each attempt to capture the opponent's castle. The castles are defended by various obstacles ranging from a drawbridge to ramparts and even a "moat". Alliances gain points by crossing and breaching those defenses. Robots also have to shoot foam boulders at high and low goals on the castle to score points and damage it. At the end of the match, alliances can capture the tower by surrounding it or scaling the castle.
2015 Challenge - Recycle Rush
Recycle Rush is a recycling-themed game played by two Alliances of three robots each. Robots score points by stacking totes on scoring platforms, capping those stacks with recycling containers, and properly disposing of pool noodles, representing litter. Teams on an Alliance work together to place as many totes on their white scoring platforms as possible. Alliances earn additional points for recycling containers placed on the scored totes, with containers at greater height earning more points. In keeping with the recycling theme of the game, all game pieces used are reusable or recyclable by teams in their home locations or by FIRST® at the end of the season.
The Cube of Gongolierium
2014 Challenge - Aerial Assist
Aerial Assist is played by two competing Alliances of three robots each on a flat field, straddled by a truss suspended just over five feet above the floor. The objective is to score as many balls in goals as possible during a two minute and 30-second match. The more Alliances score their ball in their goals, and the more they work together to do it, the more points their Alliance receives. Once all balls in autonomous are scored, only one ball is re-entered in to play, and the Alliances must cycle a single ball as many times as possible for the remainder of the match. With the single ball, they try to maximize their points earned by throwing balls over the truss, catching balls launched over the truss, and scoring in the high and low goals on the far side of the field.