The Rising Star Award goes to the first year team member that has already had an impact on the team and has become a leader in their first year.  Rising Stars are chosen by current team members and Lead Mentors in a blind vote. These team members show a promising future and we hope they have a continued impact on the team and the FIRST community.





Josie was voted rising star for her contributions to the team during competitions and awards preparation. Even as a first year team member Josie showed an in depth knowledge of FIRST as well as our team’s outreach plan. We look forward to her future accomplishments and to her future on the Impact Presentation Team.

Josie plans on attending college to pursue.


Conor Fairbanks

Rising Star

Conor was voted as Rising Star was voted Rising Star for his ability as manipulator operator and the contributions he made during build season. Conor was the first freshman to be manipulator operator and helped the team win our first competition. His calm demeanor was also an asset for the drive team.

Conor plans on attending college to pursue history.

Charlotte Gongoleski

Rising Star

Charlotte was voted rising star for her contributions to the team as Electrical Lead and for helping to finalize the team’s new electrical layout. Charlotte was also a key member at competitions, awards preparations and is the first sophomore to be promoted to Junior President. We look forward to her future accomplishments.

Charlotte plans on attending college to pursue computer science.


Hayden Heroux

Rising Star

Hayden was voted Rising Star by the team as a 9th grader. Hayden’s dedication and organization impressed not only fellow team members, but also the mentors. Hayden’s knowledge of programming and his enthusiasm in learning about robots will make him a valuable asset for future teams.

Hayden plans on attending college to persue computer science.


Mikaylee Lemanski

Rising Star

Mikaylee was voted as Rising Star by a unanimous choice by her fellow teammates. This is an honor that is not generally bestowed on freshman and was well deserved. Mikaylee became a valuable member of the team early in her career and sought out to learn as much as possible about robotics and to develop a better way to wire our robots.

Mikaylee plans on attending college to pursue engineering in the future.



Richard Buckley

Rising Star

Richard was voted as Rising Star by his fellow team members and it was no surprise to the rest of the team.  He is a hard working underclassmen who has multiple skill sets and works in multiple areas on the team. He is a model of Gracious Professionalism and is already a role model for his hard work and dedication. We expect great success for Richard and his role in the Programming and Controls Department.

Richard plans on attending college to pursue computer science.

Ellie and Maggie Heaney

Rising Star

Ellie and Maggie Heaney have become dedicated team members in a short time. They are both adept at taking on several tasks and were both key members during build season and during competition season. They both pushed themselves to learn as many techniques and components so that they could become skilled builders. They also take Gracious Professionalism seriously and model this to all of their team members.

They plan on attending college to pursue engineering.


Nicholas Bottone

Rising Star

Nicholas was an important was an important member of the Team 5112 as a freshman. He was appointed as Scouting Director and he did not disappoint. He created an impressive algorithm based scouting app, called The Scoutoliers, that provided the team with various quick and easy methods of ranking teams.

Nicholas plans on attending college to pursue computer science.

rising star 2016

Christopher Viera

Rising Star

Chris was an important member of the Team 5112 as a sophomore. He was appointed as Assistant Director of Programming and Controls and excelled in the position. He has done an outstanding job of helping to improve and organize his department and is one of the most dedicated team members the team has ever had.

Chris plans on attending college and pursuing computer science.


Ty Parrillo

Rising Star

Ty established himself as a leader on Team 5112 with knowledge of many areas such as programming, design and fasteners. He also took the lead brainstorming and fabricating the robot. He also became an expert in game analysis in his first year. Ty is now in the 10th grade and is the Assistant Director of Design for the 2016 team.

He plans on attending college to pursue engineering.


Claire Drexler

Rising Star

Claire was an important member of Team 5112 as a sophomore. She was instrumental in keeping the team organized and keeping events running smoothly. Two years later she became the Director of Competition and implemented a system to organize our robotics storage facility, known as the Bot Cave.

Claire plans on attending college and studying engineering.