key documents

If you would like to learn more about team 5112 you might want to take a look at our key documents! 

Click on the headers to open the documents

Team Handbook

Our team handbook includes all the information you would need to know to be on The Gongoliers.

Business Plan

Our business plan shows our detailed 10 year plan, strategic partners, Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats as we as our best case scenario budget.

Book Of Gongolerium

The Book of Gongolerium is a way for new team members and those outside of the team to find out where our unique terminology and team humor comes from.

Team Mentor Structure

This document includes all of the rules and information you would need as a mentor on our team.

Outreach Plan

This document has information regarding our team’s outreach events and requirements.

Branding Standards

Our team brand book outlines all the standards to be met when representing our team. These include graphics, font types, team names, and dress codes and shirt designs.

Safety Plan

The safety plan is one of the most important documents for the team. Among other items, It includes proper lab safety, tool use and competition safety.

Team Sponsor Information

This document includes all of the information about our sponsors for team 5112.